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Success Stories

"Michelle's passion toward supporting people to live their best life was apparent from the onset of her presentation.  Our attention was captured as she humorously guided us to easily understand how we unconsciously limit ourselves.  By giving us specific tools to address our blocks, Michelle inspired us to face our fears and begin making simple steps that can enhance our lives.   We truly appreciated her wisdom and guidance.  She was a joy to listen to, and her energy was fun to be around.  We wanted to take her home with us, as she gave us the affirmation that we all have within us the power to claim our lives! “

Karen Sinclair
Senior Sales Director
Jackson, WI


“When I first began working with Michelle my intentions were threefold.  First I wanted to change my mental outlook.  Second, I wanted to stop doing things that keep me from being happy.  Third, I desired to enjoy what I have in life and not worry about what I don’t have.  My ideal was to move from feeling boredom to creating a life that feels challenging and rewarding.  After working with Michelle, I finally feel that my ideal has occurred.  I recently received a promotion that offers that challenge and reward that I desired in my career.  As I was being considered for this promotion, a message that I received was how much more comfortable I am with myself.  Although I felt this within myself, having this externally validated has demonstrated that all my intentions were met which I credit through the work I did with Michelle.”


Regional Sales Manager
Columbus, OH

“I have been struggling through infertility for over three years.  With each fertility treatment, and resulting disappointment, my emotions were getting further and further out of control.  Things in my life began to revolve almost completely around my dream of becoming a mother and the sadness of this dream not coming true.  At my lowest emotional point I connected with Michelle and began her program.  With each session I started to feel stronger and more in control.  Michelle helped me to learn about myself in a very kind and compassionate manner.  My anger began to dissipate and I started to see that my life path does not have to be the same as everyone else’s.   Through the work we have done together, I felt much more strong and centered.  I have learned valuable tools that I used each time I found myself sad, angry or bitter over my situation and was able to work through these emotions before they overwhelmed me.  I feel grateful to have the knowledge and skills Michelle gave me as I go forward in life.  Now as I excitedly await the birth of my son, I look back to my sessions with Michelle as invaluable tools which allowed me to relax and continue treatments with a clearer mind and soul. “

Director of Marketing

"Working with Michelle has allowed me to gain more confidence in myself.  Prior to our work together, I would feel timid to honestly express myself.  Now, I have learned to listen to my gut rather than look outside myself for approval.  Having the skills Michelle has taught me makes me feel more powerful and in control of creating the life I desire."


Stay at Home Mother of Three




"Michelle, you bared your soul during this retreat weekend.  Your strength and courage was one of the most empowering things I have ever experienced."


Retreat Participant



To find out more about working with Michelle click here.

"Only those who risk going too far can know how far they can go."



     "What would you

   attempt if you knew
     you could not fail?"

