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Abundance begins from within

Our internal process actually gives us the exact direction we need to create our ideal life!  

As we become balanced internally, our energy is freed to begin creating the life we desire to live.

The result is a life that feels abundant from the inside out! 

Michelle teaches how to befriend every aspect of our emotional selves, including our ego, fears and feelings.  This process gives us a healthy understanding of where we are unconsciously limiting ourselves and how we can learn to own our whole truth.  Owning our truth allows us to listen to the internal guidance that is unique to each of us in order that our life becomes our ideal. 


How we have been taught to address our emotions is often                                                misinformed or misleading!   

Self-help books and coaches tend to guide people to change their perspective toward one that is more positive.  This support can be useful in many aspects of our lives.  However, in the areas of our lives where we feel the most challenged, positive thinking alone does not work and can actually hinder our ability to achieve our ideal.  This is because there is an emotional piece that needs to be addressed in a way that supports us rather than denies what it is we are authentically feeling.

Good therapy can be very supportive toward acknowledging our true feelings.  However, there is often a misconception as to the reasoning behind our feelings.  Without understanding the purpose of our emotions, we are left struggling with why we feel the way we feel. 

Michelle teaches us how to honor our authentic selves and utilize our emotional process to reveal the direction that will support us to live our best life.

For most of us we have been going about our lives getting by with what we feel we can handle.  Our lives do not feel balanced because they are so full.  There is so much that we must be responsible for that our days feel dictated by those demands.  When we are living like this, we are in “survival mode.” 

Survival mode is living our life based on what we need to do to get by each day and fulfilling the demands placed on us.

Unfortunately, when we are in survival mode, we feel depleted and run down, which means we are not truly living.

When we are truly living:

  • Our lives are filled with passion and gratitude. 
  • We feel excited by the prospect of each day and the joy we will be able to experience. 
  • We are enthused by the potential in what we get to create in each day. 
  • Our sense of purpose shines through as we live a life filled with all the abundance we created.

Are you truly living or surviving life?  If you are still uncertain click here to take my quiz and determine how you are managing your life.

We do not plan to live in survival mode, it just happens.  We fall into the trap of living our lives unconsciously.  Demands occur and we react.  If we our reactionary, we will not have the energy to create.  Creating our lives is the only way we will be able to have what our hearts’ truly desire.

To create our best life, we must become aware of our internal processes.  We need to recognize our thoughts, feelings and fears.  Unfortunately, we have been taught to dismiss, push down or sweep under the rug any part of our internal process that we believe is negative.  We are turning more toward denial as we listen to others telling us to “think positive”. 

The essence of thinking positively is based on the law of attraction.  Law of attraction states "like attracts like," which means our thoughts create our reality.  Therefore, the conclusion has been that we want to make our thoughts positive so our experiences are positive.  However, this interpretation is missing a crucial component of understanding.  This component is our emotions.  Our emotions impact our thoughts.  Without addressing our emotions, we will not truly be able to impact our thoughts.  We can tell ourselves over and over to believe something, yet if we do not feel it within ourselves we will not buy into that thought. 

Unfortunately our emotions, especially those we depict as “negative,” have been given a bad rap.  Our emotions are misunderstood.  My passion is to support people to utilize their emotions in order to serve them in creating their best life.  This is the intention and purpose of our emotions if used properly. 

                 Our emotions are the gem, the gift, we keep throwing away.

If we learn to listen to the guidance our emotions give us, we will be on our way to manifesting the most magnificent life we can imagine.  Allow me to show you how.

Click here to contact Michelle.





When we authentically live, we authentically give of ourselves and that is how we create our ideal life!