Emotional Abundance Book


Why do we analyze situations over and over, worry constantly or feel guilty?  When we feel sad, angry or lost, why do we beat ourselves up for feeling the way we do?  Why does there always seem to be something that is inhibiting us from truly feeling happy and at peace for any length of time?

After being professionally trained as a psychotherapist and life coach, Michelle Bersell was embarrassed that she still struggled with these questions.  “What is wrong with me?” was a common question she asked herself when she could not overcome her negative feelings.  What Michelle discovered is that there is nothing wrong with how we feel.  What is missing is an accurate understanding of why we feel the way we do.

Emotional Abundance: Become Empowered unlocks the key to the answers that finally will allow you to:


  • Put an end to ruminating or second guessing your behaviors, thoughts and feelings
  • Find/Rekindle a passionate intensity toward life
  • Recognize how you unintentionally make yourself powerless to create changes in our lives
  • Naturally shift your energy
  • Experience true freedom in living
  • Enjoy true abundance in all its forms

Quote from Emotional Abundance: Become Empowered:

We cannot fool the Universe if we are “trying to stay positive” and believe in our dream when there is a larger part of us that does not believe in ourselves. Abundance is a sense of knowing what is true and what is real before it even exists. Therefore, we can only actualize abundance when we accurately know and honor ourselves.


What Others are Saying:

“A powerful book that everyone should read to learn more about themselves and how to live a life filled with passion. thank you for your honesty and willingness to share your story so that we can learn from it.”

“This is one of the best books I have every read. It has really helped me to focus on my path and vision.”

“Loved the book! I am back on track and know that I need time to myself before I can be a Mom, Wife, and Friend. It was one of the hardest things I have done(telling everyone) but it truly has helped! My husband was like ‘Wow what is up with you?’ I said this is what I need to do to get my life back to who I was. He has been very supportive and is now reading the book.”

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